Freitag, 14. November 2008

propagation of fat hate doesnt only affect the fat person

Today something happened that brought about posting, not related to my body and person, but to a co-worker's.
I got a call:

A beautiful (measured by the common western standards) thin girl, successfull student, member of student representatives, powerful, intelligent, decided to work out at a gym (for whatever reasons) She went there, payed for the trial period and got information. She was asked about her weight and, I couldn't believe it, was told she should lose 20 lb within the next six months to become a healthier person.

The saddest thing: when she called me, she was sitting in front of a piece of gingerbread, confused if she should allow herself to eat it or not. For the first time in her life.

[For me too a first-time-thing happened then, more like a first-time-way-of-thinking:
When she told me the little story, my first thought was something like "what a fucked up society, with standards that absolutely destroy natural connections to your body" and NOT "uuuh, if people think SHE should lose weight, how do I look to them" followed by days of selfloathing.]

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