Freitag, 14. November 2008

Here I am...

Finally the moment has come. I did a lot of thinking about FA since I discovered the fatosphere one year ago. ( I am a consumer on a daily basis aka addict of shapely prose)I was always reluctant to join in with own comments or posts on a blog of my own, because I dont feel very confident about my englishskills - unfortunately on the german internet there is nothing like the (mainly) american discussion going on.
I will try to add german translations sometimes and try to get german readers interested. I think it is important to build something like a german fatosphere and I know that many of my friends struggle with texts written in english -I would love this blog to work as an interface. Wouldn't it be nice if someday there are many international interfaces - with people translating the ideas of fat acceptance into there own languages... (just dreaming...but with dreaming it all starts...)

What's left:
May I introduce myself - I am a curvy wanna-be-belly-dancer, student of social anthropology, german girl. Struggling with an eating disorder and looking for ways to loving my body without trying to starve me to an "acceptable" weight led me to the discovery of "fat acceptance".

I will post about: queer/gender issues; fashion; movies; my own fat and others; healthy eating and enjoying your body;

Let's get it started

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